54 Easy Zero Waste Tips For Everyone

This is part two of my two part introduction to zero waste. See the first part here!

With a little bit of effort and creative thinking, I believe anyone can reduce their waste in some way. I want to share with you some habits I’ve adopted and easy swaps I’ve made to reduce my waste. I’ve organized them into three categories: easiest, easier and easy. Pretty straightforward. This list will be long enough on its own, so I won’t drag this intro on any longer. Let’s do this! Continue reading

Intro to Zero Waste: What is it?

So, I’ve shared my vision for this blog with you, I’ve shared some food…now I think it’s time to introduce you another pillar of Renewable Roots: zero waste. This post is part one of a two-part zero waste introduction. In this post I’ll explain what zero waste is. The next post will list easy ways to reduce your waste and footprint. Continue reading